' About Vin312 Winery - Chicago's Urban Winery - VIN312 Winery

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When I first discovered the winemaking process, I was hooked. My imagination took off and I was inspired to learn more. Soon I began sharing my wine with family and friends and it wasn't long before I outgrew my small, basement operation in Norridge, IL, a rocks throw from Chicago. 

Our wine is the product of hard work, passion, and knowledge shared between many different people. That’s what makes wine so interesting to me—there’s always more to learn, knowledge to share, and experiences to enjoy.

Sharing is at the core of everything we do, and it is our hope that sharing this bottle inspires moments of conversation, friendship, love, and learning. Salute!

Our wines

We make wine with grapes sourced from unique grape-growing regions in California and Washington State. The different blends that our winemaker creates are inspired by our mission of sharing and uniqueness. Our wines are created from the story of how our winery has come to life and the people we've met along this journey.